
Special care for jewelry

January 31, 2024 719

How to wear jewelry without ruining it?

Any piece of jewelry, be it gold or silver, will not say thank you if you treat it without due respect and wear it without taking it off.

It is clear that we become attached to things dear to our hearts. And I don’t want to constantly think about when to take off or put on jewelry. And yet it is important. It's a shame when a ring that was recently perfectly round suddenly becomes flattened. Before hard physical work, it is better to remove expensive jewelry to avoid deformation. If the product is nevertheless deformed or damaged, take it into the hands of professionals. Craftsmen will return the jewelry to its original appearance.

How to care for silver?

Many people prefer silver to gold for its noble white color and availability. Silver products can truly serve their owner faithfully for a long time. You just need to take care of such jewelry more carefully than gold ones.

Silver is a soft metal and is therefore susceptible to deformation and mechanical damage. If you do not remove the ring when washing dishes or during heavy physical work (in the country, in the garden), do not be surprised that it will become scratched, lose its shine, and possibly bend. In addition, silver rings, earrings and chains are negatively affected by sulfur. This substance interacts with silver not only when heated and high humidity, but also under normal conditions. In this case, silver sulfide is formed - that same black film that gradually covers the products. Sulfur is found in the air and human sweat, so it is impossible to avoid contact of jewelry with it. Darkening is a normal reaction of this metal.

Is it necessary to take care of rhodium-plated products in any way?

More and more manufacturers are using rhodium plating technology in the manufacture of jewelry. White gold or silver jewelry is coated with a thin layer of the precious metal rhodium. It not only gives the product a beautiful cool shine, but also increases wear resistance and prevents silver jewelry from turning black.

Since the thickness of the rhodium layer is usually only a few microns, brushes, powders and other abrasive substances should not be used for cleaning. This will only damage the coating.

Caring for rhodium-plated products is simple: you need to wash them in a warm soapy solution and wipe with a soft flannel or suede cloth.

What to do with gold-plated products?

The situation with gold-plated jewelry is the same as with rhodium-plated jewelry.

They need to be carefully looked after and do not use abrasives for cleaning. If the coating begins to come off in places, take the jewelry to a jewelry manufacturer to reapply the gold plating.

How to clean blackened items?

Ammonia should not be used to clean such products. Blackened jewelry can be washed in soapy water. If the contamination is too large or the blackening has faded in places, only specialists can return the product to its original appearance.

What do you need to know about caring for products with inserts?

In order for stones in jewelry to retain their original appearance and rich color, special requirements must be observed. Almost all stones are afraid of heat and bright sunlight. This causes them to lose their brightness and may fade. Therefore, it is better to store products with colored precious and semi-precious inserts in a cool place and always in a box

Pearls require special treatment. To prevent the stone from becoming dull and drying out, wear jewelry with it more often.

How to properly care for gold?

Gold products are negatively affected by iodine and chlorine. Moreover, their effect is enhanced in conditions of high humidity and heating.

These substances are found in sea and chlorinated water, medicines and cleaning products. That is why it is better to remove gold jewelry when you visit the pool or swim in the sea, as well as when cleaning or applying creams, lotions, and aerosols. Products should be stored away from medications containing chlorine and iodine, and jewelry should be removed if it is necessary to treat an adjacent area of ​​skin with medication.

If stains, plaque, or dirt appear on a gold item, they can be removed using the following methods.
Keep the product for some time in a warm soapy solution with the addition of ammonia. For ¹⁄₂ glass of warm water you will need 3-6 drops of alcohol. After this, wipe the jewelry with a thick cloth, rinse with clean water, dry and go over all surfaces with a soft suede cloth to add shine.